Thursday, April 8, 2010

Sourdough Banana loaf with almond butter

Can you throw something that is usable just for getting rid of it? I envy you. I really mean it. I can't throw something if that can be used in some way or the other. Be it Bananas, be it soudough starter. I don't mind putting an extra 30 minutes of work in the kitchen to make something with these things rather than putting it into garbage bin. I had some over ripe bananas and I had to throw some sourdough starter after feeding the starter. For those who are wondering what this sourdough starter is, check my previous post where I have used this to make 'Masala Bread'. I made sourdough pancakes last week because of the same reason and this time, I decided to use both bananas and the starter to make these Banana Loaf.

Recipe is adapted from 'All - time Favorite Bread Recipes' by Better Homes and Gardens. This is quite a good book and I picked it up for 90 cents from a thrift store. I have a weakness when it comes to cook books and kitchen gadgets. Maybe I should write a post with all the pictures of my gadgets and cook books. Do you think you want to see it?

Coming to the recipe, this had bananas, soudough starter, eggs, butter, and some nuts and the usual, flour, baking powder, sugar etc. I tweaked the recipe so that I don't have to use butter at all. Like such recipes? check out my 'Almond Cookies' which has no butter in it and tastes heavenly. I used 'Almond Butter' in the place of butter. I did use eggs which I could've easily replaced with flax seed meal or some extra fruit puree. I used eggs for a reason. When it comes to sweets, I have no will power. I however will not eat anything that has eggs in them. See, aren't I smart? I also used cardamom. Who can resist bananas, almonds and cardamom in one bite? I omitted nuts since my kids pick around them and make a mess everywhere in the kitchen.

  • Ripe bananas - 2 Large mashed (about 2/3 - 1cup)
  • Brown sugar - 1/4 cup
  • Granulated sugar - 1/4 cup
  • Almond Butter - 1/2 cup (You can use butter if you don't want to use this)
  • Eggs - 2 large
  • Sour Dough starter - 1/2 cup (For those who do not maintain this, mix 1/2 cup flour with 1/4 cup of water and use. You probably won't get the tang of sourdough then)
  • Baking powder - 2 tsp
  • Baking soda - 1/2 tsp
  • Salt - 3/4 tsp
  • All purpose flour - 2 cups (Can use part whole wheat flour or completely replace with whole wheat flour)
  • Cardamom - 5 pods powdered (You can use vanilla if you like that better)

The recipe called for creaming the butter which I didn't use and sugar and doing the whole process in a little complex way. I am a simple person and I like to keep things simple. So, here is what I did. Preheat the oven to 350F. Spray one 9 X 5 pan or 3 mini loaf pans with vegetable oil spray. Grease really well. These tend to stick to the pan since there is no fat in it.
In a bowl, stir flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, cardamom powder together. Set aside. Place the mashed bananas, sugars, almond butter in a big bowl, mix well. Add the eggs and beat well. Now add the sour dough starter and mix. Dump the dry ingredients in batches to the bowl containing wet ingredients. Stir but don't over mix. Batter will be lumpy. Divide between the 3 mini loaf pans if using them or pour into one 9 X 5 pan. Bake the mini loaves for 30 - 32 minutes (I filled the pans a little too much, so if you fill it just 2/3 , you might need less time. Keep an eye on it) or till done. 9 X 5 pan would take anywhere between 55 minutes and an hour. If you feel the tops are browning too fast, cover with aluminum foil after 45 minutes for a bigger loaf.
This bread smells heavenly while baking. These make very good breakfast bread. Everyone loved them at home. Serve with a cup of coffee, tea or milk or with some butter. These are great for snack too.

And some more pictures with my new toy.
Banana, sugars, almond butter..

Dry ingredients with sour dough starter..

You can see that I over filled the pans. I should've used 4 mini loaf pans instead of three. And now the picture with the book..

These buns are on way to Susan's 'Yeast Spotting' hosted here.
And this is my entry to 'Baking from a book - Breakfast' hosted by me here. Come on ladies, guys don't be intimidated by baking, start sending the entries. It won't be nice if I host something and the roundup has only my entries right? It probably will look what's the word 'pathetic'?
This goes to Priya's 'CWS - Cardamom'.

Happy Baking!!


  1. This looks fabulous, love your tiny loaf pans.

  2. Wow BangaloreBaker, looks yummy, I love SourDough :)

  3. True, who can resit this combo? I can't resist eating sweets with/without eggs. Help!!!

  4. HI u have pushed me to post be exact.....bake from the book....will def. try to do so by the weekend....I too love to use books over the net.....have few good books nothing to match with your collection, but any given point of time I'll have 4-5 cookbooks on my table(from most of my owned books r packed since we moved last year).....but i did made something last month from a book(infact made it again yesterday)....let's see if I can find the pics...

    bread looks perfect....

  5. Sourdough banana loaf looks absolutely fantastic and feel like having some slices rite now...Will post my entries soon, dont worry Champa, we wont leave u alone dear..btw thanks for sending to my CWS event..

  6. The sweet banana bread looks splendid!I borrowed some books from the library to do something for your event, dear. Will post soon.

  7. Bread looks delicious and lovely step by step instructions.

  8. My god! how much baking you do. I thought just the other day you baked some buns and you are already into baking banana bread. Baking must really keep you happy. Smiles. Will bake something this weekend and post.

  9. Thanks for visiting my blog and for the tips on the cookies! Will surely try it out next time. Will be sending the recipe to your event too.

  10. congrats on your award... u have a nice blog.. following you

  11. You are smart to not waste your bananas and starter. When we waste food we waste money. Pat yourself on the back for being frugal and smart!

    BTW, the banana bread looks wonderful!

  12. Sour dough and banana, looks like an excellent combo. Lovely bread recipe!

  13. I love that you made banana yeast bread! Way to be scrupulous.


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