Monday, April 19, 2010

Maple Granola

Do you think there is a support group for 'bakoholics'? If yes, maybe I should join that group. I have had many fancies in my life, all of which lasted couple of months at the most. At one point, I was into sewing. All I would imagine is sewing different things. I am not complaining, I still sew and that knowledge comes in handy. Then it was singing. I had to learn every (not literally) song that Latha Mangeshkar has sung. This moved towards classical music soon making me learn numerous Carnatic classicals from M.S to T.N.S to Sudha Raghunathan etc. I am just giving an example. Even though I do not lose touch with any of the things I have learnt, the fancy does fade away. But 'baking?', nope. It was there 10 years back and it is there now. I think it has increased over the years since I get more guinea pigs now. If you know me in person, I apologize for calling you that, but aren't you happy you know me in person? My experiments rarely go bad.

When Madhuram sent me the 'King Arthur Whole Grain Baking' book, I was thinking that I might try one or two recipes from that book and that's it. Do you want to know how many I have tried and blogged about in less than 4 months? Check it out yourself.

Molasses Rye Ragi Snaps
Cranberry Pull Apart Buns
Cranberry Orange Rice Muffins

And there are some that I did not blog about. And now, this 'Maple Granola' cereal. I have cut down the original recipe in half and used the grains, nuts and dry fruits that I had on hand. To tell you the truth, this is not the first time I am making granola at home. I just didn't follow a recipe from a book. You can change the nuts, dry fruits. Use honey instead of maple syrup. Use some other spice instead of cinnamon. Use your imagination.

  • Old fashioned rolled oats - 3 1/2 cups
  • Wheat germ - 1 cup (I used this instead of the other nuts. Don't want too much of nuts in my cereal)
  • Walnuts - 1 cup chopped
  • Toasted Flax seeds - 1/2 cup (This was not there in the original recipe. I added to make it healthier)
  • Salt - 1/4 tsp
  • Powdered cinnamon - 1 tsp
  • Maple syrup - 1/2 cup
  • Vegetable Oil - 6 TBSP
  • Vanilla - 2 tsp
  • Dried Cranberries - 1 1/2 cups

Preheat the oven to 300 F. (Book says to do at 250 for 2 hours) That is too much so I baked at 300 F for one hour. But check at 45 minutes. Some of my cranberries had become hard. Line a large baking sheet with rim with aluminum foil. Spray vegetable oil spray. Keep aside. Take a large bowl and spray that and a spatula with vegetable oil spray. Place all the dry ingredients in the bowl. Mix well. In another bowl, combine maple syrup, oil, vanilla. Pour on to the bowl with dry ingredients and stir to combine. Dump all of the mixture on to the baking sheet and spread thinly. Place in the oven and after 30 minutes, stir once and rotate the pan. Check at 45 minutes and if it is golden and toasted well, remove from the oven. Let it cool in the pan on a wire rack till completely cool. Transfer to an air tight container. This not only tastes better than store bought granola, but also low in sugar and fat compared to the store bought. Enjoy as dry snack or morning cereal with milk.

This is my entry to 'Baking from a book - Breakfast' hosted by me here.

Happy Baking!!


  1. Good one! I do wish I could work harder at making whole wheat goodies and hence healthier food.

  2. That a healthy and yummy me breakfast...makes me hungry now :)

  3. Hey dear, nice granola....I usually make with honey syrup....will try with maple also....btw if u find the group for bakoholics, do count me in,ha....given a chance i'll only it when final d

  4. hi champa, it's me again....cut my previous comment at the point where it stops making any sense, little one pressed the button & of it went....didn't even read the whole thing...

  5. Hmm, your fascination, albeit transient is quite harmless..I am a happily married female who at times develop a fancy to recent fascination being Ram Charan Teja and the one before was Robert Pattinson..My hubby makes fun of me when he catches me drooling at what do u say to that?
    Great, easy, healthy and elegant looking breakfast by the way!

  6. i might like to join the club eventually..right now i am only a novice!!

  7. I totally agree with you, i too have been bit by the baking bug since past few years and the passion increases every day :)
    Granola looks yumm, a healthy way to start your day!
    btw i had read in one of your older post that you make fondant at home? Can you pls share the recipe, i know the marshmallow one but we dont get white marshamallows so easily here so I m searching for some other recipe, thanks!

  8. very healthy breakfast...baking is always a delight.. cheers

  9. count me also in for the bakoholics group:-)) I constantly fantasize about baking and keep finding guinea pigs for my experiments.

    Would love try this recipe out. Hope i can skip the cranberries here and this would taste just as good??:-)

  10. Hey! Are u contemplating shifting to Bangalore sometime?? Would love to have you as my neighbor:-))

  11. Omg wat a interesting granola, thanks for sharing..

  12. Hello Champa,

    I follow your blog quite regularly. I tried your granola recipe with Oats and barley flakes, added some flax meal since I did not have the seeds. It tastes very good. My little one was asking for the granola and you came to my rescue. These are much better than the store bought ones.


    1. Raji,
      Thanks for the kind words. I am glad you enjoyed it.


If you have a question and you leave it as a comment, I'll surely answer the question to the best of my knowledge. Thanks for visiting.