Sunday, April 29, 2012

Yeasted Jalapeno Cornbread (Vegan)

There should be at least 1000 corn bread recipe on the internet. But most of them are quick breads. Very few are Vegan and even fewer are made using yeast. Here is one of my addition to the numerous corn bread recipes.
One Year Back - Strawberry Cream Cheese Bread
Two Years Back - Mango Ice cream
Adapted from here.
Whole Wheat flour - 1 cup
Stone ground yellow cornmeal - 3/4 cup
Very hot water - 3/4 cup
Salt - 3/4 tsp
Active dry yeast -1  1/2 tsp
Sugar - 1 tsp
Jalapeno - 2 TBSP chopped (I used pickled ones. If using fresh, use just half)
Jalapeno slices - for topping (optional)
Oil - 3 TBSP divided use ( 1 1/2 TBSP in the dough, remaining to grease the pan and to top)

In a bowl, place cornmeal. Add the hot water to it. Let the mixture cool down to warm. Add the remaining ingredients except Jalapeno slices for topping and knead to make a smooth dough. No need to knead a lot. Just about 4 - 5 minutes is good enough. Dough will be a little bit sticky. Cover and let it rise / puff up for 45 minutes or an hour. It will not rise much, but will become puffy. Grease a 8" or 9" (I wanted to bake in an iron skillet and I didn't have a 9" one. I have used 10" round iron skillet. That is the reason for thin bread) round pan with oil. Punch down and Place the dough in the pan and press it to cover the entire pan. Place the jalapeno slices on the dough if desired and drizzle some oil on the top. Cover with an oiled plastic wrap and let it rise for about 45 minutes. Dough will not double. It will have raised a bit.Towards the end of the rising time, preheat the oven to 375 F. Bake for 25 - 28 minutes or until the edges have started browning a bit. Don't over bake. It will become dry. Cool in the pan for 10 minutes and then turn on to the wire rack to cool. You can cool in the pan too. Slice and serve warm with a bowl of soup or chilli.
This is my entry for the Blogging Marathon started by Srivalli. Also sending this to Yeastspotting.



  1. Bread with corn meal...absolutely wonderful...Champa you surely are a Master Baker..really admire your work.

  2. Great looking cornbread, never tried as vegan version..

  3. Sounds very good. Is there a reason why you baked in an iron skillet?

    1. Harini,
      First reason was for making it look pretty in the picture. Second reason is it makes the bottom crust chewy. Sorry don't have the picture, but it tastes great when baked in an iron skillet. Probably because it takes longer to heat up compared to an aluminum pan.

  4. jalapenos are my fav ...this is good way to eat it

  5. never had yeasted cornbread..only quick bread versions...looks tasty

  6. Never baked a corn bread before. Will remember this version when I give it a try. :)

  7. Nice pan and the bread looks inviting.


  8. I have to get one of those skillets first, I have atleast two recipes now (including this one) that needs to bake in the iron skillet. Will it taste different if baked regular pan? I don't think I can wait till I purchase a skillet.

  9. I have never had this before, so can't really comment on that part :)), but it does look pretty. Nice running BM with you, loved all your bread recipes.

  10. Picture looks great was fun having you join always I enjoyed all your bakes, have bookmarked some for trying..thanks!


If you have a question and you leave it as a comment, I'll surely answer the question to the best of my knowledge. Thanks for visiting.