Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Soft Whole Wheat Buttermilk Bread

Why another whole wheat bread recipe? You might ask. This one is different because it doesn't use any vital wheat gluten. It gives a very soft loaf. It is so soft that if you keep the baked loaf on a wire rack immediately after taking out of the oven, it gets all the grid marks. I can promise you one thing about this bread. You will not miss white bread at all. It is that good. I tried this bread because I was intrigued by the presence of baking soda in the recipe. Baking soda doesn't really make this bread rise. It gives the bread a very nice color. It also increases the acidity of the buttermilk which, probably makes it softer with more small holes. (Don't hold me on this one. I am just guessing)
One year back -  Whole Wheat Flour
Adapted from Breadman Pro manual
Whole Wheat flour - 3 cups (I used King Arthur flour)
Warm Buttermilk - 1 cup +3 TBSP (I used 1/2 cup home made yogurt and rest water)
Salt - 1 1/2 tsp
Molasses - 3 TBSP (Or use honey)
Oil - 3 TBSP
Instant yeast - 2 tsp
Baking soda - 1/2 tsp

For brushing before baking: (optional)
Oil - 2 tsp
Milk - 2 tsp

To make dough using Bread machine:
Place the ingredients in the order of oil, buttermilk, salt, molasses, whole wheat flour, baking soda, yeast and start on dough setting. Let the cycle complete.

To make dough by hand:
Refer to this post.

To bake:
Shape the dough into a loaf. Grease a 9 X 5 loaf pan with vegetable oil spray. Place the shaped dough in the pan. Cover with oiled plastic wrap and let it rise above the rim of the pan (about 40 minutes or more). Towards the end of the rise time, preheat the oven to 375 F. Brush the loaf with the mixture of milk and oil. Place in the oven and bake for 20 minutes. Rotate the pan and reduce the temperature to 350 F. Bake for 10 - 15 minutes or until the internal temperature registers 200 F. Or the loaf sounds hollow when tapped at the bottom. Cool on the wire rack completely.

I was in a hurry and I removed the baked bread from the pan and left it on the wire rack too soon. Loaf became lopsided due to that.
I am sending this to 'yeastspotting' - weekly collection of 'yeast preparations'.



  1. It looks so promising... nice texture...

  2. love making bread with buttermilk. So creamy soft goodness!

  3. Love this! will make it someday when I pluck the courage.

  4. Am all eyes and ears!! The shaped dough in the pan doesn't need to double? Just rise above the rim? Dough consistency? Would love to give this a try..

  5. Suma,
    It does double. When you shape and place in the pan, it is just half full. It will rise above the rim in 45 minutes or so. You bake it then. Dough is not sticky, but a bit tacky.

  6. wow, that looks great and so nice.

  7. Looks fabulous, feel like having rite now..

  8. Even in pictures, the bread looks very moist. I have to try this. Thank you Champa. Can I use normal atta that we use for chapathis?

  9. Swapna,
    Yes, you may use regular atta. It will be lighter in color then.

  10. Thank you very much for the I baked the bread and it came out very well... thanks again.

  11. Hi champa, do u feel the difference between this bread & WWF with vital wheat Gluten bread a lot noticeable or minor. U know that I tried other one & I liked it...very much like store do u differenciate this one. Want to try without Vital wheat gluten this time.

    1. I liked this one better than the other one with vital wheat gluten texture wise. This came out softer than the other one. Do try this bread. It comes out so soft that you cannot believe it is whole wheat flour bread. But use chapathi flour rather than the WWF from american grocery stores. I think it comes out very well with soft wheat flour.

  12. Thanks dear, will try it out sometime this week.

  13. Hey Champa, did try this one yesterday but I don't know why it didn't rise much. First rise was good, I would say almost double(left for 2 hrs. was kind of cloudy & little cold day). Second rise did rise upto the pan height(9x5) but that's it so baked loaf was kinda looking small, may be 8" pan would have been good for this. Also it was not as soft as yours look in the pic. it was more like little dense/firm look like your WW bread with VWGluten(felt heavy also). Also now on second day I could smell flour/atta(only if I try to smell the bread) eating wise it was fine.

    Changes I made : used regular roti atta, was out of dahi so used plain yogurt(diluted), also used 1&1/2 Tblsp. white sugar instead of liquid sugar & also ended up using almost 5 Tblsp. of extra water. used kitchen aid for around 6-8 speed. Do I need to knead it longer(b'coz of no VWG) ??

    I'm thinking trying next time with regular dahi(though I have many a times replaced yogurt for dahi/buttermilk) but this brand was new in my kitchen.

    1. Spice, Can't understand why it was not soft. It was so soft that it got crooked when I removed it to the rack. I used the bread machine to knead it but 6-8 minutes is not bad. Did you make the dough too watery because you said you had to add 5 TBSP of extra water, and that is a lot. If the dough becomes watery, the air pockets won't hold and it will get denser. I am sorry I couldn't figure out why it happened like that.

  14. It wasn't a watery dough....more water was b'coz I used regular sugar & not liquid sugar. Dough was nice & soft I would say like chapathi dough. def. want to give it another try but may be in couple of weeks. Will update u once I try again.

  15. Hello Champa,

    I tried your recipe yesterday. It was very soft and light as you said. Thank you for the amazing recipe.

    I have a question however. Can I replace jaggery with melted jaggery?

    1. You mean molasses? You could, molasses has a flavor that will be missing. You could replace molasses with honey too. It is just the sugar part in the recipe.


If you have a question and you leave it as a comment, I'll surely answer the question to the best of my knowledge. Thanks for visiting.