Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Chocolate Biscotti

It is first day of school for my older daughter. She is in first grade now. If many mothers are happy about getting almost 7 hours to themselves when kids go to school full time, it also comes with the headache of packing lunch and snacks.
My daughter is a very picky eater. She likes only certain kinds of food and that's all she wants every day.  I wanted to make something that she can take for snack for at least a week. She is alright eating the same thing every day if she likes it. She loves biscotti. Add chocolate love to that and there came these 'Chocolate Biscotti' which, I made for the snack for this week. It should last me one week between three people eating it every day I hope.

One year back -  Coconut Burfi, 7 Cup burfi / Chickpea flour fudge

All purpose flour - 1 cup
Whole Wheat flour - 2/3 cup
Unsweetened Cocoa - 1/3 cup (Dutch processed or Natural)
Sugar - 2/3 cups
Salt - 1/2 tsp
Baking powder - 1 1/2 tsp
Oil - 1/3 cup (I used Canola Oil)
Eggs - 2 large
Vanilla - 1 tsp
Almond extract - 1/2 tsp (If you don't have this, increase vanilla)

Preheat the oven to 350 F. Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper. Set aside. In a bowl, whisk together flours, cocoa, salt, baking powder. Set aside. In another bowl, beat sugar and oil. It will be like wet sand. Add eggs and continue beating.  Add vanilla and almond extract if using and mix. Now, dump the dry ingredients and continue to beat. Towards the end, switch to spatula and mix so that there is no dry mixture. Dough will be sticky.
Divide the dough into half and place on the parchment lined baking sheet. With wet hands, shape into a log of 9 " by 2" with a height of 3/4". You will have two logs like that which are spaced apart on the baking sheet. If you are using smaller baking sheet, use two of them so that they don't touch when baked. Smooth the top of the log with wet spatula or scraper.
Bake for 25 minutes or until lightly golden. Remove the baking tray from the oven. Reduce the oven temperature to 325 F. Cool on the wire rack on the baking sheet for about 15 - 20 minutes. Transfer each log on to the cutting board. Mist the top with water. If you don't have a mister like me, brush with water. Take a big knife (not serrated) and cut them into straight ones to get more biscotti or diagonally with 3/4" width to get fewer but longer biscottis. When you cut it, don't use the saw motion. Instead, put weight on the knife and go straight down. Transfer the sliced dough on to the baking sheet and make them stand on their backs, not on the "cut side down" like many recipes say. Bake for 25 - 30 minutes or till they feel very dry. They will still be a bit soft but will harden when they cool down. Cool completely before storing in an airtight container. Should last for weeks if not eaten by then.



  1. Hey Champa, our kids are same age. My older one started 1st grade too.

    Love those chocolate biscottis, sound and look delicious.

  2. Chocolate biscotti looks awesome.. I've a house full of chocoholics, will definitely try to make these soon.
    Quick question: When you say stand on their backs, do you mean on their sides?? Tks.

  3. Pavani,
    It means to place it back the way it was before you sliced. Cut side should not be on the baking sheet. I am sure your kids will love them and so are the adults.

  4. Woww gorgeous biscottis.Looks super delicious..

  5. Will try this ,looks delicious nd ya perfect for kids tiffin

  6. awwww packing lunches still sound so fun! but i do know its a headache at the same time. hahaha at one point, my mom told me to make my own lunches b/c i was so picky hahaha (i was much oldeR) lol


If you have a question and you leave it as a comment, I'll surely answer the question to the best of my knowledge. Thanks for visiting.