Friday, August 5, 2011

Free Dannon Activia Coupons for my readers

We have been consuming yogurt regularly all our lives. Eating rice mixed with yogurt to end the meal is a tradition in Southern India. So, I do know how important yogurt is for our digestive system.
When I moved to U.S, I was surprised to see people eating yogurt as a snack, or part of breakfast instead of part of the main meal. Yogurt is not only good for you, but is a healthier snack option too. And I am amazed at new flavors they come up with every year. Some my favorite, some not so much.

When Dannon contacted me through Foodieblogroll to write about the giveaway of free Dannon Activia coupons, I was excited about the opportunity. So, if you like yogurt, you can print out the coupon from the link below and go to your nearest grocery store to get the Dannon Activia yogurt. Its value is $3. Pass the message on to your friends, relatives. They want the maximum publicity.

Best part of this deal - you have quite a few flavors to choose from: They have plain, different fruit flavors, french and what not.

Coupon offer is only till 8/15/2011. So rush now,

To get your coupon do as follows:
These coupons valid in U.S only and cannot be used in the states of CA, NJ and LA due to State law.
1) Go to: – this will take you to a FB page.
2) “Like” the page
3) You may have to also click on the “Activia Select” link on the left sidebar
4) Enter your information in the form, select the yogurt you’d like to try and click on “Get Coupon”
5) You will receive an email with a link to the printable coupon.
6) Print the coupon (you may need to allow the Java print plug-in on your browser)
7) Bring it to a store to redeem your free Dannon Activia sample

I have been compensated monetarily from Dannon through foodieblogroll to write about this giveaway.

What are you waiting for, go get the coupons and enjoy yogurt.

Fellow bloggers, please tweet or share this on the facebook if you could.

Happy Friday everyone.

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