Thursday, August 4, 2011

Applesauce Oatmeal Mini Loaf

There are couple of things I buy just for baking. One of them are eggs. Eggs are exclusively used for baking and of course pancakes, waffles in my kitchen. I had almost a dozen eggs in the refrigerator when my husband gave me the news of my in-laws coming this weekend. In order to use up the eggs before they come, I turned the oven on (My father-in-law is cool with all these, but my mother-in-law isn't). You will probably see a lot of baked goods this week here unless I decide to give them away. And if you are worrying about me writing about this here, don't worry. None of my family members read this or any other blog for that matter. So, I am safe.

One year back -  Banana Bread
Adapted from Kingarthurflour.
All purpose flour - 1 cup
Whole wheat flour - 1/2 cup
Rolled oats - 1/2 cup
Sweetened applesauce - 1 cup  (adjust sugar if using unsweetened one)
Sugar - 1/2 cup (1 cup if using unsweetened applesauce)
Baking Soda - 1/2 tsp
Baking powder - 1/4 tsp
Salt - 1/2 tsp
Cinnamon - 1 tsp
Oil - 1/4 cup
Eggs - 2 large

Preheat the oven to 350 F. Either use a 9 X 5 loaf pan or use 4 mini loaf pans. Grease them with vegetable oil spray. In a bowl, whisk together flours, oats, sugar, baking soda, baking powder, salt and cinnamon. Set aside. In another bowl, whisk together applesauce, oil and eggs so that they are all incorporated well. Pour the liquid mixture on to the dry mixture and stir to combine. You can add about 1/2 cup chopped nuts or raisins at this point. Pour into the prepared pan/pans and bake till done or till a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. It takes 30 - 35 minutes for a mini loaf and about 55 - 60 minutes for a 9 X 5 loaf. Cool in the pan for 10 minutes. Turn it on to the wire rack to cool completely. This was good as is or with a smear of jam or cream cheese.

The white specks you see are not improperly mixed flour. They are rolled oats that was in the bread cut up when I sliced the bread.



  1. looks good- about ur mil not being cool with this and your family not reading your blog- I would say they must read your blog and be proud to have such a talented person in the family !

  2. I second Priya! U are an amazing baker! Wish you lived here, so that I could learn from you!

    When you say rolled oats are they the thick ones? OK to use our Quaker kind of oats, I like them better.. And love your mini pans..

  3. Nice... I have a lot of applesauce that I need to use and this seems like a good recipe :). However, I have couple of questions. My mom is diabetic and also doesn't eat eggs. Can I use splenda in place of sugar? How can I substitute eggs in the recipe?

  4. Thanks Priya, I think I like it better this way. I can write what I feel without hesitation. What do you say (just kidding).
    Thanks, Yes thick oats from quakers works just fine.

  5. Swapna,
    You can use splenda. No problems with that. Replacing eggs can be done in two ways. If you get ener-G replacer or use flax meal replacer. If you are using flax meal as egg substitute, add some walnuts or pecans to the batter so that the nutty taste is justified.

  6. same here Champa none in the family reads my blog too. the cakes look great love your mini loaves.

  7. Thanks Champa. Is flax meal same as ground flax seeds? I have that already at home which I use in making chapathi, so wondering if I can use that.

  8. Sayantani, Thanks.
    Swapna, Yes. same as ground flax seeds.

  9. Champa, the slices look awesome, I can almost smell the applesauce. Btw, no one in my family including hubby reads my blog as well.

  10. Mini loafs look so cute :) Delicious and drool worthy :)

  11. delicious looking applesauce loaves

  12. Delicious!! I am not a great fan of eggs in baking either - but some recipes just call for eggs!!

  13. Hmm.... your mil is somewhat like my in-laws, then! Thats why i too haven't baked anything with eggs yet... though both of us want to :((
    True in a way that if no one reads, you can write what you want, but in my case i can't! Hubby reads it and some posts that i have praised inlaws in, he even reads it out to them to flatter them!!
    These loaves look good... If at all i try, i'd replace eggs with flax...

  14. Looks yum Champa :-) I wish to replace eggs and butter - would a little more applesauce work ? or something else? Pls do suggest !

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  15. Kalyani,
    Flax meal will work very well and even though more applesauce should work, it might make the end product denser.

  16. delicious! Love applesauce cake, so why not in bread... want to try this!


If you have a question and you leave it as a comment, I'll surely answer the question to the best of my knowledge. Thanks for visiting.