Thursday, December 17, 2009

Holidays Cookie platter for kid's school

I had mentioned earlier in my post that I bake goodies for the school for the holidays. This time, from two kids I have 5 teachers to give gift to. Along with a small gift for each teacher, I made a box of goodies for each of them. But, there are lot of other people (staff and other teachers) whom I don't give a gift. So, I make a big platter of cookies and leave it in the office for them. This time, I made four different goodies. Recipes will follow in future post, but here are what they are.

  1. Chocolate Chip cookies
  2. Cranberry white chocolate chip bars
  3. Coconut macaroons
  4. Ginger spice cookies
Here is how the platter is before wrapping up..

Center one is ginger spice cookies. You can see coconut macaroons in two places. I dipped the bottom in chocolate.
Here is one after wrapping up. Picture didn't come out very good but I was tired after baking so many batches of cookies.

And one of my friend wanted to see the plate. It is so pretty I feel bad to cover it up. Here it is.. You can see the boxes of goodies for the teacher on the side. (I didn't take a picture since they were not decorative and they went in a gift bag along with the gift)

Now coming to the picture of goodies, what to expect in future posts..

Chocolate Chip cookies..

Cranberry White chocolate bars..

Coconut Macaroons dipped in chocolate..

Ginger spice cookies..

Update - I have posted the recipes for these here.

  1. Chocolate Chip cookies
  2. Cranberry white chocolate chip bars
  3. Coconut macaroons
  4. Ginger spice cookies
Happy Holidays Everyone!!


  1. Lovely platter... Looking forward to the delicious recipes..

  2. Lovely platter of cookies...too delicious!

  3. Thanks Jayasree and Priya. I just dropped them off at school and they were happy to get it.

  4. What a combo you have made. I know they must have loved it.

  5. Cookie platters looks nice Champa... hope your kids and their teachers enjoyed them :)

  6. The cookie platter looks marvelous and so tempting !

  7. You're one busy mom! They do look good, Champa.

  8. I wonder how you made so many batches of cookies...You must have had an exhausted day that too with a kid around...goodos to you..Lovely..

  9. Sumi, thanks. I was really exhausted by the end of the day.


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