Sunday, June 17, 2012

O Olive Oil - Product Review

Have you ever had an experience of tasting a better product than what you believed to be the best all your life? I just had that experience. I have tasted, tried many olive oils. Many types, many brands. But none of them, I repeat none of them matched the taste and smell of the Olive Oil sent to me by O Olive Oil. I was given this opportunity by erecipecards. Thanks Dave and O Olive Oil. It was a pleasure to try these two products. By the way, if you already do not know, erecipecards was started by Dave as a collection of food pictures and posts. If you are a food blogger, you should try submitting your work to his site. If you are a food enthusiast, you should visit the site to get lot of ideas and recipes.
Coming to the point of this post, I was shipped Roasted Garlic O Olive Oil and White Balsamic vinegar. When I opened the bottle of olive oil, all I could smell was the perfectly balanced combination of garlic and extra virgin olive oil. These oils are not infused. They are cold pressed which makes their oil not lose its taste and flavor but just enhance it with the added flavoring components. And I was so impressed by the taste and smell of it that when I read they slow roast the garlic for 48 hours, my feeling was it is well worth it. My taste testing of Roasted Garlic O Olive oil was very simple. I bought italian bread and used the oil to dip and taste. Trust me when I say this, I could have eaten the whole loaf with it. It was that awesome. No, I am not even exaggerating a bit. I can see many uses of this kind of cold pressed oil. Use it in salad dressing, for making pesto, dips, pour over grilled veggies or noodles. It has limitless use.
Second bottle that I got was White Balsamic vinegar. I made a salad dressing out of it which will be my next post with the recipe. You can find many recipes and many kinds of Olive Oil on the O Olive Oil website.
Coolest thing is the best Olive Oil that I have tasted did not come from far off land. It was grown locally in California. And I wouldn't be happy if I didn't mention the packaging of the bottle was awesome. Not just the looks but the functionality of the cap is really cool. Perfect for preserving the flavors. Watch out for my post on a dressing made with both these products soon.


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