Friday, August 26, 2011

Sourdough Mint Paratha / Indian Mint flatbread using Sourdough

I have two kinds of mint in my backyard. They have grown so much that I had to trim some of them to prevent them from spreading to the next planter. You can make chutney out of it, rice out of it, but I was in the mood for something else. Add it to the dilemma of what to do with the sourdough cast-off, these were made. I have made sourdough skillet pitas before. All I did was adding the spices, making them a bit thinner.
For those who do not recognize the title, Parathas are Indian flatbreads. Some are filled and some are just plain layered with ghee or oil. This one is more of a roti family, but is a little thicker than roti and has spices and herbs added to it.
One year back - Tofu Crumble
Sourdough Starter - 1 cup (I used cast-off, you can use ripe one too. 100 % hydration)
Whole Wheat flour - 2 1/2 cups
Salt - 1 tsp or to taste
Cumin - 1 tsp (optional)
Oil - 2 TBSP for the dough and more for cooking
Mint - 2 cups loosely packed (just the leaves picked. Don't chop them)
Green Chillies - 5 or per taste (Omit completely if you cannot handle heat)
Water - 1/2 cup or more to make a smooth, soft dough

Rinse mint leaves and pat them dry on a clean kitchen towel. There is a trick to remove all water easily. Place them on a clean kitchen towel and gather all the sides together. There should be room for the leaves in the towel pocket. Move your arms holding all the ends of the towel (without leaving any side open) as if you are playing jump rope. It will remove all the water content within a minute. Take these mint leaves in a blender jar. Add the green chillies to it and make a paste without adding water. It will look more like very finely crushed wet powder. Dump that into a bowl. Add oil, salt, sourdough starter, wheat flour, cumin and mix. Start pouring water slowly and make a smooth dough. Keep it covered for 30 minutes for the dough to rest.
After the dough has rested, knead it for about 4 - 5 minutes or until smooth. Divide them into 12 parts or the size of a small orange. Heat the griddle or a large cast iron skillet or any other skillet. Roll the dough balls dusting with flour into a 8" round. They are like tortilla, but a bit thicker, but not as thick as an unbaked pita bread. Cook on the hot griddle applying a little oil on both sides till brown. You can be liberal with oil if you want. I just brushed the whole surface with oil using a pastry brush. Keep the cooked parathas covered so that they stay soft. Serve with pickle or yogurt or raita. I made cucumber raita to go with it. Simple but makes a healthy meal.

Those who do not have sourdough starter, increase flour by 1 cup and add about 1/2 cup yogurt to get the tangy taste. 

More mint recipes..
Minty Coconut Rice
Chutney Chawal
Penne with Minty almond sauce

I am sending this to 'yeastspotting' - weekly collection of 'yeast preparations'.


  1. OH BOY... I am growing my very first sourdough starter right now!

    And I have mint growing as well... will be back when my starter is ready!

  2. Thats a lovely one.. innovative idea..

  3. i love flatbreads! this looks delicious champa!

  4. Flavourful paratha looks marvellous.

  5. This looks delicious, what can i serve it with?

  6. Thanks everyone.
    Tres Delicious,
    It is usually served with yogurt or the yogurt dip kind of a dish called raita. You can even serve it with some curry which is mild in flavor.

  7. What a great idea! You're making me feel very hungry ;)

  8. HI Love your recipes & the pictures.
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