Thursday, July 21, 2011

Strawberry Ice cream - Egg free, fat free

I am in love with my new ice cream maker. I have two of them. One is the kind which uses ice and salt. I hardly used it since it was a pain to set it up. Then, I bought one more with the freezer canister. I just love it. Making ice cream is a breeze. Make the base, let it chill and all it takes is about 10 minutes time to make delicious ice cream. That too, turn the handle, let it sit for 3 minutes, turn it one more time and so on.
This ice cream was a breeze to make since I didn't have to even heat anything. On top of it, my younger one who is 4, turned the handle and made this. I would let her turn, and say count to 50 and then turn again. It was a game for her. Isn't it easier than going to store and buying a carton which has so many preservatives?
You want to know how much I spent on the ice cream machine? 5 dollars. In a thrift store. It was brand new with the manual and the box.
One year back -  Basil Mint Rice, Almond Mousse
Strawberries - Hulled, chopped and measured - 2 cups
Sugar - 1/2 cup
Fat free Half and Half - 2 cups
Vanilla - 1/2 tsp (optional)

Take strawberries in a blender or food processor. Add sugar and process till almost smooth. Add the half and half and whip it for 30 seconds. Refrigerate till very cold, about 3 hours. Freeze in the ice cream machine as per manufacturer's specification. This takes less time to freeze than other ice creams since there is no fat. Don't over process. Freeze for at least an hour or more before serving. If frozen overnight, it might be very solid. Let it sit at room temperature for 10 minutes before serving to get the best taste and texture.

Feel free to use half heavy cream and half milk in the place of half and half. It won't be fat free then. You could add some chopped chocolate to it towards the final minute of churning. Some people like chunks of strawberries in the ice cream, but beware that they freeze too hard and if it is alright with you, go ahead and reserve few strawberry pieces to fold in towards the end.



  1. wow!! ice cream maker in $5, cool..
    Can you put a picture of the ice cream maker so that it benefits us :)

  2. Sush,
    Thanks for leaving a comment. Here is the link where there is a picture of the model I got.

  3. Lovely ice cream looks yummy..i love that presentation!!

  4. $5 for an ice cream maker is a steal for sure!! Icecream looks good!

  5. Sounds super. I am going to give it a try sans strawberries.

  6. ice cream makes me drooling dear.Can i have the cup of ice cream yummyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

  7. am also planning on buying a softel ice cream maker. this berry ice cream looks delicious.

  8. Icecream made at home and in a jiffy!! love this one dear. I am drooling!!

  9. Champa,

    Happy Friday!

    Thanks for inspiring me to make icecreams now. Can we make this icecream without icecream maker? Any tips? With hot days, kids are lovig popsicle and icecreams.


  10. Raji,
    Thanks for the comment. Yes, you can make ice cream without ice cream maker. Check out my mango ice cream post. I made that without the ice cream machine. It gets done lot quickly if you use ice cream machine and the result will be creamier than the hand made one.

  11. thats a lovelu cup of ice cream and we can eat without any gulit

  12. a guilt free icecream.. wow.. iam drooling for this!!!

  13. Wish I scored a $5 ice cream maker! Totally awesome! The recipe sounds delicious too


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