Sunday, May 15, 2011

Eggless Mango Curd

I think the first time I even heard the word 'Curd' which didn't mean yogurt was when I read or saw key lime curd pie. If I remember correctly, it was Paula Deen's show. I never tried it because of cooking the egg. I am not great when using eggs other than in baking. But, having people who love mango, I thought I would try mango curd and make it eggless. Am I glad I tried it? My little girl ate few TBSP of it as is and wanted more.
You can add flavoring like vanilla or almond extract or even cardamom powder. I didn't add any since I still haven't decided where I am using it in. Maybe a tart or a filling for a cake? You will know soon.
One year back -  Bread Baking Basics, Hawaiian Cobbler, Pineapple Gojju
Sweetened condensed mango pulp - 1 1/4 cups
Sugar - 1/4 cup (optional - if required)
Butter - 4 TBSP
Lime juice - from 1 or about 2 TBSP
Corn Starch - 4 TBSP
Water - 4 TBSP
Take the sweetened, condensed mango pulp in a thick bottomed sauce pan. Add lime juice to it. In a bowl, whisk together the corn starch and water till no lumps remain. Add this to the sauce pan and turn on the heat. Keep stirring to prevent lumps from forming. Curd is almost done when it gets thick and creamy. If you have the thermometer, you can check it and it should read 165 F - 170 F. Another way to test it is by tasting it. You shouldn't get any raw taste of corn starch. If you feel you need more sweetness, add sugar. Turn the heat to the lowest and add butter 1 TBSP at a time and keep stirring. When all the butter has melted, turn off the heat. Pour into the dry and clean container and place a plastic wrap right on the surface to prevent skin from forming. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours or till set. Use within 5 days. This is great as a filling for the cake, great on a piece of toast too.



  1. Pictures are great and so is the dish!..

  2. Lovely colour.. Sure that its delicious...

  3. Lovely is very much similar to custard right?watever might be the name,I m in IN for anything wid mango..:)

  4. Thanks everyone.
    Custard is typically cooked in milk and of course eggs are present too. This one doesn't have milk. Not much difference as you said.

  5. wow so colorful and nice curd !! Lovely presentation !!

  6. wow am dreaming of mango cheesecake with this curd topping.

  7. Delicious mango curd, thanks for sharing, coz i never thought of making lemon curd or mango curd without eggs..

  8. Mango curd now this is something I really have to try, thanks so much for posting your recipe I look forward to trying.

  9. This looks sinfully inviting :P

  10. Awesome dessert!!! Very new to me....

  11. This looks great!
    Where could I get sweetened condnesed mango pulp? I don't think I've ever seen that before!

  12. Rachel,
    You will find these sweetened condensed mango pulp in Indian / pakisthani grocery stores. You could use fresh mango puree and increase the sugar in this recipe though.

  13. I was searching for something to make as a filling for a mango cake and found this. I was excited because it didn't use eggs, and also didn't require all the pressing of mango pulp that every other recipe for mango curd called for. I had a can of mango slices in light syrup, so I pureed that with a little of the syrup and some added sugar. Although it was shy of the 1-1/4 cups of pulp listed, it still turned out fantastic with no real detriment to the taste. It was such an easy recipe, yet the flavor belies the ease in creation. I know it will be a hit in the birthday cake. I'm definitely making this again--thanks!

  14. Squidly,
    Thank you for the feedback. I learned something new. I didn't know that they sell mangoes in syrup. I am glad you liked it.

  15. Thank you so much for this recipe. After making one with egg yolks that tasted like nasty eggs, this was a lovely and delicious alternative!! Turned out beautifully.


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