Sunday, July 25, 2010

Winner of CSN $60 give away is.......

I am very humbled by all the people who tried my recipe and either blogged about it or sent me an email (non bloggers). I do not know how much fun it was for you all, but it was definitely fun for me. Thank you for taking your time, effort and trying out the recipes on this blog. I entered the details in the order of  receiving the entry. This is just an excel random number generator and I picked the one with the highest number. The winner is.....
Congratulations Suma. I will send you an email shortly with all the details. Enjoy your win.
I hope I haven't left anyone's. If yes, I apologize in advance.

Those who tried, thank you and let me know it was fun. I probably will not do this type again if this was no fun for you too.

Have a great day everyone!!


  1. Congrats Suma on your win..Keep going Dear:-)

  2. Congrats Suma on your win....

  3. Thank you so so much Champa!!! I am thrilled!!

  4. Congrats Suma, definitely it was fun, i still have lot to try from your blog:-)

  5. congrats suma on ur win and thanks champa for hosting a wonderful giveaway

  6. Congrats Suma!
    It should be real fun Champa... Keep going... How i wanted to take part...
    But i am sorry i couldn't.... I messed up with my camera and its broken down now.. I was running around to get it fixed, but in vain still... so didnt have any mood for cooking and blogging without cam :(

  7. Congrats to the winner. Great event.

  8. Congrats to Suma! It was fun to check out the recipes Champa..keep 'em coming!

  9. Congratulations Suma !!! Champa, that was an interesting event and so much fun to take part in that...hoping for many such innovative events to come :)


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