Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Bake-Off Event Announcement!!

Weekly Bake-Off is on a break......
Lot of people associate me with 'Baking' rather than anything. Many people while introducing me to others go like this 'She is Champa she bakes very well' or things like 'She is Champa she bakes a lot starting from cake to bread'. Even though I do not always like this kind of introduction, I do realize that most of the readers might associate my blog with 'baking' and I am completely fine with it. And that is the reason for such an event selection.

When I came to know about 'yeastspotting' that is a weekly event, I was very impressed. I wanted to do something like that with general baking. It can be a casserole, cookie, scone, cake, quick bread, muffin, yeast bread, cake, tart, pie, quiche or anything that is baked. So, here is my first event which hopefully lives as long as this blog does.

Now coming to the rules of this event:

  • Bake anything vegetarian (eggs are allowed). You can do part of cooking in microwave or stove top. But, the finished product should come out and be ready to serve from the oven.
  • I need to know what your recipe is based on. If you came up with it by yourself, mention what inspired you to come up with such a recipe. I would appreciate exact measurements. Ex: If you are baking a cake, it helps to know what size pan you used.
  • Send me the entry linking this announcement in your post.
  • It has to be sent the week you post it. Since the idea is to keep it an 'ongoing' event, I do not want older posts.
  • Send in as many entries as you wish. 
  • I'll post all the entries on Friday of every week starting next week (19th of March, 2010).
  • If you send in your entry after 5 PM EST on Thursday, your entry might not be added the current week, but will be added to the next week's roundup.
  • Round up will be posted at this link:
  • Send me an email with the following details to with 'Bake-Off' as subject.
  • Details to send the entry:
  • Your Blog Name:
  • Recipe Name:
  • Recipe URL:
  • Photo: Please make sure it is 200 X 200 and not bigger.

    I hope you all are will have fun participating in this.

    Happy Baking!!


    1. Awesome event. I will send my entry!

    2. Thanks for visiting my blog dear ...
      a Great Event i will send my entry ...

    3. I am sure you'' get loads of entries every week :) Wish u all the best!

    4. Awesome event.Will surely send an entry by today,have posted a suitable dish yesterday.Thanks for letting me know about this

    5. I get what you mean, even though I'm not a huge baker - people like to use it as an introduction and it gets embarassing - will surely try to participate in your event Champa.

    6. Hmmm... Now this inspires me to bake something!

    7. Just send my entry, fantastic event..dont worry will be definitely sending my entries atleast every week...

    8. found your blog while blog-hopping...great event...will try to send entries...all the best with the event!

    9. Hi, first time here..lovely event..will send a entry soon..

    10. Nice event! Will add this to my blog event section on my blog.

    11. Hey thanks for dropping by my blog.. I'm not much into baking.. but I would be trying some soon :)

    12. Baking is always my favorite. Already sent a post for your event

    13. Good one.. will have to think up something soon for this.

    14. Good one Champa..Fresh from the oven hah :)

      Will try to bake a cake or a biscuit and send it to you..

    15. Will try to send something. Is it like a weekly event?
      And I am hosting this month's Jihva and if you happen to post any breakfast dishes, send them over.:))

    16. Hi Champa,

      I just started my food blog a few days back. I would love to participate. Will send my entry soon.

    17. hi champa...i dont know how i landed on ur blog but i was really impressed by the event ur hosting and i was interested to participate ,im not very good at baking but wanna try something ,im also new to the food blog world so i hope u wud appreciate and consider my recipe which soon will send u...thanx

    18. wow! surely want to be a part of this. have sent my entry already!

    19. Thanks everyone. For those who are thinking about starting baking, do it and send me your entry. For those who already sent in, keep it coming as it is a weekly affair.

    20. Hi..stumbled upon your blog event from the events blog...i have just sent you an entry..hope its fine..

    21. It's been almost 3 weeks i'm off from I made a cake.... after looking at your event now planning to post it & will send it to u 4 sure...

    22. Hi! Stumbled upon your blog event through Priya's blog. I'm sending in one post for this event. Hope it meets your criteria. Happy hosting :-)
      Following your wonderful that don't miss any of your post :-)

    23. nice event champa, i just sent in an entry.

    24. nice theme ,,.,will send u soon,..

    25. That's a great event Champa. Will send my quick bread entry by tomorrow.

    26. Hi Champa, I have come across to your event thro Parita. I have posted a 'Pound Cake' just last week, it was inspired from some internet source (but don't know exact link). Can I still send you for event? Please let me know. Thank you! :)

    27. Sonia, Welcome to my blog. Yes, please send it and I'll include it in next week's roundup. Thanks.

    28. Guess, eggs are not vegetarians; you are killing an unborn fetus. Be informed if you are running a food blog.

    29. Anonymous (sorry you didn't reveal your name),
      Thanks for taking time to leave a comment. Eggs that are sold in the market are not fertilised. There is no unborn fetus in that. Or so I have learnt. If you google how the hens are treated in the farm, you will probably read that there are no roosters in contact with the hens to fertilize the eggs. That being said, I did not invent the word 'Ovo vegetarian'.
      There are many people who consider sea food as vegetarian. Just my 2 cents.

    30. Hi champa
      i have just mailed you my entry for this week. Hope you have received it

    31. wow, what an interesting blog I have found. I am surprised, that you only have learnt about baking when you left India. Great is internet which helps us to find such interesting differences between us!
      I am going to post in English in my blog very soon, that I could take part in all events going here.

    32. Hi Champa,
      I am a newbie in the world of blogging. I started my blog almost three weeks back and the first item I posted was cookies. I just stumbled onto your blog through suma's veggieplatter. Can I still send in that cookies post as an entry to your ongoing

    33. Hi Champa,
      Just mailed you one recipe for you bake off event. hope you go the details.
      Hamaree Rasoi

    34. Hi Champa...
      Love to be part of ur Event...Happy Hosting..
      Plz find my mail with my entry for the event

    35. tHIS IS sooo exciting , i bake too and yeah i have lods to send ya every friday . am i right!!
      u have a wonderful blog too filled with delicious bakes!

    36. Hi champa

      I have sent in my entry for this week's bake off. Hope you have rec'd it

    37. Hi champa, ur blog is cute and i am sending u my entry to ur bake off ur blog very much and following u

    38. Would love to participate - let me see if I can come up with something today .. Also please check out my blog for an event I announced starting today - Look forward to your participation :))

    39. Hi,

      Just sent you an entry...:)



    If you have a question and you leave it as a comment, I'll surely answer the question to the best of my knowledge. Thanks for visiting.