Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Chocolaty Almond Spread

My kids are a big fan of Nutella. They don't care for peanut butter and I don't either. If you read my previous post about making almond butter at home, I had mentioned I came up with making a nutella equivalent with almonds.

When the almond butter was almost done, my light bulb went on. I transferred half of the contents of the blender jar to the bottle for storing as almond butter and started to experiment with the remaining almond butter. Here goes my version of chocolaty almond spread that you can make at home..

almond butter - 1 cup (either home made or store bought)
Hershey's or any other brand chocolate syrup - 1/2 cup
Corn syrup - 1/4 cup

Note: You can adjust the quantity of ingredients to suit your taste. This was plenty sweet and had enough chocolate flavor to it. Vary as per your taste requirements.

Place the almond butter in the blender/food processor. Pour the chocolate syrup and blend to combine well. Add the corn syrup and continue to blend for a minute or two till you get nice spreadable consistency. Keep it in a jar in the refrigerator. Since there are no preservatives, I cannot say what will happen if you leave it at room temperature. It should last for a month in the refrigerator. This tastes really good as a spread on bread or to even make chapathi roll with it instead of nutella (favorite of my kids).

I am sure that corn syrup is not one of the easily available ingredients through out the world. You can substitute golden syrup if you get that or make this substitution.

Honey can be used in the place of corn syrup. But, it will give you the flavor of honey. If you are alright with it, go ahead and use honey. If not, you can substitute 1 cup of sugar mixed with 1/4 cup of water for every cup of corn syrup. This was obtained from here.

There is one more recipe on the internet how to make corn syrup.
Boil 1 1/4 cup of sugar with 1/3 cup of water till you get syrup stage. I cannot vouch for this recipe since I have not tried it. This was from



  1. Great idea to make our own, thanks for sharing.....

  2. I was just wondering what to substitute for corn syrup and I see your substituion section. :-)I will try both almond butter and this one soon..

  3. Looks delicious!!!!

    Kindly pick up the award dear!!!

  4. bookmarked....will surely try this...& thanks for giving the substitute options for corn syrup....


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